Well if locking your child in the car with the keys and your cell phone gets you kicked out of the “Mom of the Year” contest, looks like I’m out :) Long story short - Kaitlyn and I went to the mall on Saturday to pick up a quick gift and I hit the lock botton on my keys, dropped them in the bag (so I wouldn’t forget to lock the car) and left the bag on the back seat while I went to the trunk to get her stroller out. In the meantime, someone was trying to pull into the spot next to us so to be nice I went to close the door and let them pull in not thinking about my keys and the fact that I had locked the car!!! Yes, genius!! I called Brad’s cell and when he didn’t answer right away I assumed he was still at the hospital rounding so we immediately called mall security (who in case you ever need to know can’t break into cars) and then they called the police. I paged Brad and thankfully he had just gotten home so he grabbed the extra keys and came to the mall. About 20 minutes (seemed like 20 hours) later Brad arrived and we rescued Miss Kaitlyn from her carseat. Luckily it was a cool morning and she was so good - just wondering why I was playing peak-a-boo with her with tears coming down my face. So after one tow truck, one fire engine, one Biarwood mall security guy, and Daddy to the rescue our adventure had ended on a happy note :) Kaitlyn even got a “Biarwood Mall Secuity Junior Officer” badge for her baby book :)

We didn’t do much exciting the rest of the day Saturday but got to go to the park with Brad for a little bit on Sunday to enjoy the warm weather before he had to go back to the hospital. Here are a few pics from the park.
The static from this slide does wonders for my hair....

In between working and nap time Kaitlyn and I checked out the library and stopped at the park to enjoy the beautiful weather this afternoon. To be honest I hadn’t been in a library in years and was pleasantly surprised at all of the fun activities they have for her. We missed story time but might try again in a few weeks. Think we might have found another good spot for the long winter months coming way too soon!
Hope everyone is having a good week!
she is sooo expressive! i love it! we started a group on facebook of SSA 96ers and are putting links up of everyone's websites, blogs, etc. I put yours up there too but wanted to double check if that's okay. It's all people from our class. So much fun!! xoxo
Sure! One of these days I'm going to get into facebook too - just taking it one step at a time :)
OMG! I shouldn't be laughing because I'm sure it was horrifying to see your child locked in the car...but you are my second friend to recently confess about being a "bad mommie" This one left her child in the stroller while taking packages into the house & forgot to set the brake. When she came back out the stroller (with the baby) had rolled into the alley!! Luckily no cars were coming & no one was hurt - but the neighbor witnessed it all. So she'll be laying low for a while. Hope this makes you feel a bit better, because I know both of you are wonderful mothers (despite the momentary laspe of judgement). Only kidding!! :<)
Poor Jess! I think your mall story is funny now, but I'm sure it was horrifying while in the moment.
On another note, I think it's good mall security doesn't have the tools to break in to our locked cars :)
Kaitlyn is so sweet. And I loved the walking video too.
Katy B
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