Today was the perfect Fall day for a trip to the Cider Mill with friends. Kaitlyn and I ventured to Jenny's Dexter Cider Mill and Farm Market with our friends Betsy, Avery, Susie, Grant, Hunter, Katie and Thomas! What a great day! The weather was perfect and they had it all there - cider, doughnuts, pumpkins, hay stacks, billy goats, ponies, and even an adventurous hayride to say the least. It was definitely the ride of a lifetime. When we signed up for the hayride I envisioned a nice gentle ride through the pumpkin patch and around the farmer's market. Little did we know it was a near tragic experience :) Betsy and I decided to pick the back seat of the trailer with the not so gentle horses pulling the trailer up and down the bumpy dirt roads and hills with slippery straw under our us and no railing on the back of the trailer. The ten minute ride was quite an adventure - thanks for holding on to us so tight Susie! Needless to say I would definitely recommend a child safety seat next time we embark on a horsedrawn hayride as well as a padded seat - got a nice size red whelt on my back to show for it!
All that being said - we really did have a GREAT time and many laughs with all of the Fall festivities! Not sure which Kaitlyn liked more - the billy goat or the pumpkins but she definitely had a good time! Here are a few pics:
Kaitlyn, Susie and I on the hayride...

Betsy, Avery, Kaitlyn and I with our "faces of terror" after the hayride :)

It's near impossible to get these two curious little girls to both look at the camera at the same time... Kaitlyn and her pal Avery on the back of the hayride....
YAY! I'm so glad you decided to join the world of bloggers! Now you can feel the same stress I do for not keeping family & friends up to date. And I must say, I'm highly impressed - you're already more technologically advanced than me! I still haven't figured out how to add videos to mine!
So tell me, just how did all of those Slice & Bake cookies turn out?!?!?
Love & Miss you!
Hugs to Brad, Kaitlyn, Murray & Melvin!
how fun!! you have to see my blog, i have a couple of pics that leslie daigre pasted on facebook, there are a ton more of you on her page. i can't believe it's been so long! and look at you know, a beautiful mother of the cutest little girl on the planet!!
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