It's so amazing to me how when one thing "clicks" in a baby's mind, it all seems to follow so quickly thereafter. This child is amazing me every day with all of his new tricks and is determined to be up and running after his big sister in NO time. It was only last week that he "mastered" crawling which pretty much came at the same time of him mastering sitting up. So much for a peaceful period of him being able to sit up and play but not move :) Now today he was already trying (and succeeding once) to pull up on the sofa and anything else that he thought might be stationary, which wasn't always the case. I had forgotten how much having a mobile child changes your world and now with two I'm not sure I have enough eyes and arms to handle it.
Couple of videos I caught today.... he was SO proud of himself!! Also, note the lack of chatter in the background from Little Miss Kaitlyn...don't tell her but we got these in while she was at school so Brayden didn't have to fear being knocked over by one of her big hugs or "love taps" :)
And one of these days I'll remember the correct way to hold our camera to get the videos right side up...sorry!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Preschool and Crawling... so many exciting changes!!
It's been an eventful week around here for both Kaitlyn and Brayden.
Brayden has gone from starting to "scoot" around the house last week to pretty much full on crawling everywhere at a much faster speed than I'm ready for. He's mastered pulling himself up from his back or crawling position to sitting and vice versa. This is definitely sooner than Kaitlyn ever did but not surprised when we just watches his big sister run around the house non-stop all day to keep up somehow. He is already getting into everything and I'm realizing that we are way behind on baby proofing the house.
Kaitlyn had her first day of preschool or as she says "shool." I was a little curious to see how she would do since it's been about a year and half since she's gone to any sort of daycare but she did great! She's been so excited since we've moved here and we pass the school often and get asked "my shool open yet?" all the time. Luckily that same enthusiasm was still there this morning when we dropped her off and when I picked her up. When we pulled up to the school this morning she said "I'm so excited. It's going to be fun!" Couple of pics and video from the big day and Brayden's new tricks!!
Daddy's "special pancakes" to start the school year off right...

Can I play you a tune?!?
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Little Froggie!
I realize I am SO behind on posting pics to the blog but working on getting all of the pics from the last few months off the camera and onto the computer now that all of the boxes are unpacked. Here are a few teasers from this afternoon. Hard to believe it but I think our little "froggie" is about to be mobile really soon. Not so sure I'm ready for that.
Might not be able to understand it but in the second video Kaitlyn is saying "hi little cutie" "hi little boy" :)
And can you tell someone is getting excited about "school" starting in just a few weeks. When I asked her today if Brayden or Momma could go to school with her she responds "No momma, just big girls"....hopefully that attitude will stay the same come day one :)
Promise to post more of the past few months soon!
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