Believe it or not, Kaitlyn turned 18 months on Sunday! She had her 18 month check up today and all is well. Still a little peanut at 18 lbs 14 oz but bursting with energy more and more everyday.
I can't believe how quickly time flies...the past 18 months have been such a blessing for both Brad and I. Everyday brings a new discovery, a new challenge, new laughter, a new smile, and best of all, never ending love. It's pretty amazing to look into Kaitlyn's eyes and see the world from her view - so simple and filled with so much love and happiness. The way the sight of a "clock" or "truck" can brighten her eyes is so incredible. I thought I would miss being at work but the past three months of being at home with her has made me realize that I wouldn't trade our morning breakfast, trips to storytime at the library, trips to the park, playdates, or afternoons of puzzles and books for anything in the world. I'm not sure what gets me more - hearing her whisper "Dadda" when we hear the garage door and seeing her eyes light up when she sees Brad or seeing Brad's heart melt with every hug and kiss from his little girl :) We're looking forward to many more memories and smiles in the months / years to come!!