We have BIG news - Aunt Lindsey is engaged!!! We were so thrilled that Kaitlyn spent the afternoon running up and down the hallway in excitement!! Congratulations Aunt Lindsey and soon to be "Uncle" Alan!! Yeah!!
Aside from all of the engagement excitment we had lots of fun this weekend celebrating Halloween. Friday morning Kaitlyn and I met up with our pals Betsy and Avery for some "trick or treating" in downtown Ann Arbor. Yes, the girls were a bit young but the bumble bee and kitty cat were quite a cute pair :) and it was a beautiful day to stroll downtown. After being straped in for a bit we took the girls to the Children's Museum so they could run free for awhile. It was a great morning!
Then we put our costume back on Friday night for some chili and trick or treating - well actually we just had our friends come visit us. The Bumble Bee got to hang out with her pals the dinosaur (aka Jake), Buzz Lightyear (aka Bradley), and once again, the adorable kitty cat (aka Avery). It was a fun treat to have everyone over and "share" all of our toys :)

Both Friday and Saturday was beautiful Fall days so we spent some time outside playing in the leaves, playing with the big red ball, and waving to Dadda as he mowed the lawn....