Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Everyone! I’m going to start by apologizing in advance for the numerous pictures and videos in this blog but there were too many to pick from and come on – it was Christmas :) We started our Christmas celebrations by going to Church on Christmas Eve and out to a nice dinner at Gratzi. Kaitlyn was relatively good at dinner but let’s just say that we had to drink our bottle of wine a bit faster than at dinners “pre-Kaitlyn.”
Check out my great shoes....
Thought we would get in her "15 month" pics while she was all "dolled up." Can't believe how big she's getting - to think she barely covered the chair just a year ago and now she's about to leap out of there.
Hope Santa didn't mind a few nibbles out of his cookies.....
Does this look like a girl ready for bed - no way - Santa's on his way... yiipppeee!!
Christmas Morning.... can't wait to see what Santa brought me!!
Uncle Bert, Aunt Jen and Samantha, thank you so much for my kitty!! I LOVE her!!
Aunt Anne, Uncle Todd, Ellie, Brandon, and Kelly, thank you for my bows and bow holder!! We will definitely put them to good use...... I think Kaitlyn is under there somewhere...
Check out my snazzy tea cart from Aunt Lindsey and soon to be "Uncle" Alan.... can't wait to have all of my pals over for tea!!!
Here are a couple of videos of Kaitlyn opening gifts from our families... we sure missed being with you all TONS and TONS!! I know there are a lot - feel free to watch what you wish....
After hours of opening gifts and a big breakfast we went outside to see the sunshine which we hadn't seen in awhile. We decided to have some fun with all of the snow we've had this week and broke out the sled.... don't worry the hill looks bigger than it actually was and Kaitlyn was well padded :)
Couple of other pics from our adventures this past week…. On Tuesday we meet up with one of my high school friends, Amy (Mediamolle) Hardwick. They were in town visiting her in-laws who live in Lansing, MI, so Kaitlyn and I meet them halfway for an afternoon of fun at the Castaway CafĂ© in Howell. We played with her twin girls (Mary and Catherine) who are about a month younger than Kaitlyn, and her husband, Dan. It was great to catch up and see the girls play.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!! We're headed to Nashville on Tuesday to celebrate New Year's with our dear friends Matt, Molly, Jack and Sam - yiippee. Promise to have lots more pics to share when we get back.
Happy New Year!!